Chandan Tankala

I am a Ph.D. student in mathematics. My research interests broadly encompass probability theory and its applications in machine learning, with a particular focus on the analysis of sampling and optimization algorithms.

Probability Theory Machine Learning Sampling Optimization Neural Networks

Current Collaborations

Dr. Krishnakumar Balasubramanian University of California, Davis
We are working on developing and analyzing discrete Langevin dynamics to sample from classical energy-based models like the Ising and Potts model.
Dr. Dheeraj Nagaraj Google DeepMind and Dr. Anant Raj Indian Institute of Science
We are working on analyzing an algorithm to sample from the mean-field Langevin dynamics using optimization in the space of probability measures. We also analyze applications to mean-field neural networks.
Dr. Daniel Lowd University of Oregon
We are working on applying probabilistic techniques for a differential privacy problem in educational settings.